Revolutionising the way vessels are insulated

At Herose Ltd we pride ourselves on supplying the best products to the market, finding ways to constantly save our customers time and money. When it comes to cryogenic insulation, advances and improvements have been minimal — that is, until now.

Insulating cryogenic vessels is a tried and tested process. Cryogenic paper and foil is used as the insulating material on double-walled cryogenic vessels. The insulation reduces heat transfer and minimises liquid and gas losses by having each reflective foil sheet insulated with glass fibre paper, which is low in thermal conductivity. Several layers of paper and foil are used to line the exterior of an inner vessel, and once the space between the inner and outer vessel is sealed, it is evacuated by a vacuum pump to the required pressure. This process has seen very few developments.

Here at Herose Ltd, we have sourced a new range of products that changes the way vessels are currently being insulated. With the 5-layer composite, our customers are seeing the full benefits of the 5-layer system, 5-layer paper and 5-layer foil. The time it takes to do one roll of the vessel with a standard product, our customers are doing 5 rolls in the same time with our composite, thereby speeding their insulation up to 5 x quicker than they have ever done in the past. We understand time is money — and time saved is money saved.

Because of the 5-layer technology, this also strengthens the roll, minimising the risk of rips and tears when installing, increasing our customer productivity and reducing paper and foil waste. To make your lives easier, we also stock the product in the UK, decreasing your bulk buys, and having stock on the shelf ready for your insulation needs. We stock sizes up 1800mm, but we also give you an option of custom sizing, allowing you to select the size to suit your needs.

Along with composite, we also stock cryogenic blanket and other insulation accessories.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our sales team who will be more than happy to help.

For more information, you can also download our Guide to Cryogenic Insulation.

Published On: October 30th, 2015 / Categories: Products /